Quality Home Care Services You Can Rely On

Exceptional, Bespoke Care for You and Your Family

Quality Domiciliary Care Services

D&G Care Services provides in-home senior care, helping older adults continue to live well and independently at home.

Hourly Visiting

Hourly visiting home care is a flexible care service for people who need some help to live independently at home.

Dementia Care

We help you arrange specialist live-in dementia care. Our carers stay with your loved one in their abode, for them to enjoy the familiarity of home.

Personal Care

D&G Care maintains a compassionate and dedicated team of carers who are able to provide personal care and domestic support services with compassion and discretion. Our amazing staff work with you and your family to maintain your dignity and independence to the fullest possible extent.

Hospital-to-Home Care

D&G Care carers will help you settle back into your home environment and provide the essential and person-centred care you need to meet your individual requirements and ensure a stress-free transition from hospital care back into your own home. Our staff can work with you, your family/carers, and health and social care professionals before your discharge to assess your needs.

Our Live-In Care

At D&G Care, we know the thought of leaving your home can be daunting. Our live-in care service makes it possible for you and your loved ones to stay in familiar surroundings along with your treasured possessions and memories, and avoid the potential disruption of moving into residential care. D&G Care Services will ensure that you receive personalised one-to-one care to improve your quality of life, health, and well-being in the comfort of your own home. We will provide as much or as little support as you need.

Our Respite Care

If you care for a loved one at home but would like some time to yourself, perhaps for a well-deserved holiday, our services are available for shorter periods of time to accommodate your needs. Our staff are always ready to step in when you need to make time for yourself. Don’t be afraid to take a break, and rest assured that your loved ones are in good hands. Respite care is provided at home so the care recipient can continue to do everything they usually do while their carer recuperates.


At D&G Care Services, we believe providing great home care services means more than assisting with personal care, medication, or meal preparation. We also recognise that the emotional well-being of individuals is crucial to their health, and that socialising with and listening to an individual contributes to them feeling valued, seen, and heard. This could be a conversation over a cup of tea, a day out, or anything in between, and our staff members always work hard to provide stimulating and meaningful conversation and company.

What makes D&G Care different?

All our carers receive professional, specialised training before they meet our clients. We always match the best carers to your specific requirements, offering you real care solutions and care plans specifically designed to support your family’s needs.

Get a free, no obligation care assessment

Request to have a member of our team visit you and carry out a full assessment of your care needs. This will give us an opportunity to get to know you and understand any personal preferences that you may have, in addition to the formal care and support you will receive.

Funding your care options available to you

Many people presume that receiving care in their own homes is beyond their financial means, but this is not always the case. There are a variety of funding options available that can help you or a loved one to remain in the comfort of your own home.

Our great staff responds every time with a big warm smile.